Wednesday, May 23, 2012

School Days

School days can be so fun but sometimes these days can be a little bit complicated. Finding which clothes that you're going to wear isn't that easy. We sometimes forget whether we have already worn certain clothes this week or not. If you happen to have limited amount of clothes, mixing and matching will be the best way to survive at school. Going to school doesn't mean that we have to look so formal. You're not going to meet Prince William and Princess Kate right? Here are some styles you can have at your school days:

Casual Look
Prepare your sneakers and pedal pushers then you are ready to walk for hours after school with the girls xoxo...

Semi Casual Look
A pair of jeans combined with a cardigan and boots is not too much to meet the dean and hang out *grinning*
Semi Formal Look
Yet, it's possible for us to look a bit more formal in style. Just when you have to represent your school in a science competition. Check out your wardrobe and get a knee-length skirt and a blouse. Flats will lessen the formality of your look. Why don't you try it? :)

So, which style are you?


  1. Semi Formal! I do love my bootcuts :D x
    PS. Now following!

  2. Aku kalo sekolah pakenya baju putih-biru doang e miss heuheu.. Paling sama batik hahaha


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