Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Korean Cuisine

Finally, my friend and I went to taste Korean cuisine in Musiro Fusion Korea Food in Jl. Gejayan. I feel so full now and it's merely because I ate too much. I, well my friends too, thought that the portion wouldn't be that much. after we ordered and the food came, we were so surprised to see the portion. Fyuuh thank God I only ate a little for my lunch before. Here are what I ordered and made my stomach so full now...

Kimchi (fermented and seasoned Korean vegetables)

Tok Galbi (stirred beef mixed with onions and sweet sauce)

Sagwa (or apple) Juice

Toppoki (rice cake with red pepper sauce)


  1. Hoek Kimchi kan gak enak.
    Suamiku suka bgt masakan Korea (krn tinggal di Korea 7 taon), favoritnya Beef Bulgogi.
    Kalo mau coba yg rasanya mendekati "authentic" ke Silla Korean Restaurant di Jl. Arteri Ringroad Utara No. 33.
    Rasanya maaaaaakk enak bgt, tempatnya jg tranquil ky most of Korean Restaurants. Highly recommend untuk Beef Bulgogi n Gimbap, minumnya Misu, dessert nya semacam eskrim moci gitu (lupa namanya) :D

    1. hahaha...kamu sama seperti makcik :D aku ke resto itu juga rekomendasi dr muridku si Ibu Taman alias Ms. Park. Katanya di Silla juga enak tp lebih mahal yak? Hmmm....tapi boleh itu dicoba :D

    2. hhmmm gak terlalu mahal sih. ber5 habis 300rb. tu masih jauuuuuuuuhh lebih murah drpd di jakarta, ber3 habis 600rb :(

    3. haaah??? astaga benar2 menguras kantong. hmm, maybe next time kalo udah punya duit coba kesana. coba yg lebih murah dulu hihihi....

  2. Sayur yang atas itu nggak enaaaaak.... Makan sekali pas udah ga mau lagi miss, yakin deh hahaha


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